- Tackling the causes of crime, not sending more people to jail, is the only way to fight it2024/05/31Canadians want to fight crime, but Conservative Party proposals to increase incarceration aren’t likely to work. Based on our analysis for the Canadian Centre for Safer Communities, there is a way to significantly reduce violent crime within the next five years. It requires becoming not “tough on crime,” but “smart on crime” before it happens. read more
- Canada Can Halve Violent Crime in the Next Five Years: Smart solutions needed now to harness proven prevention2023/06/11Violent crime harms too many Canadians, but this can be reduced by 50% within 5 years. A new short video highlights the solid evidence on what stops violence before it happens. It shows how to use the evidence to reduce violent crime significantly, cost effectively and within 5 years. It includes examples from the evidence, including outreach to youth prone to violence, mental health training for youth, and positive parenting. More of the same has not reduced victimization significantly. Smart investment is needed to make the changes, including offices for violence prevention, trained community safety planners, and sustained funding. (le blog comprend une version en français: Le Canada peut réduire de moitié la criminalité violente au cours des cinq prochaines années) read more
- Le Canada peut réduire de moitié la criminalité violente au cours des cinq prochaines années : des solutions intelligentes sont nécessaires dès maintenant pour tirer parti de la prévention éprouvée2023/06/10Au Canada, de nombreuses personnes sont affectées par la criminalité violente à chaque année. Pourtant, ça pourrait être évité. Cette courte vidéo montre comment la prévention axée sur les causes profondes de la criminalité peut réduire considérablement la violence de manière rentable, et ce, d’ici cinq ans. L’engagement social, le développement des jeunes, la thérapie pour le traitement des traumatismes, le mentorat, l’entraînement parental et la transformation des normes sociales sont des exemples importants de prévention éprouvée. Afin d’exploiter les solutions éprouvées pour réduire la criminalité violente de 50% d’ici cinq ans, nous devons transformer nos approches. Les mesures pouvant susciter des changements importants comprennent des bureaux de prévention de la violence, des compétences en planification de la sécurité communautaire et un financement durable. read more
- What should the Canadian government do to meet its obligations to victims of crime?2022/09/29I am proposing legislation and funding federally so that victims of crime in Canada have effective policies to prevent victimization and services and justice after the victimization. These must be more consistent across Canada and at least as good as those that exist in other comparable democracies. read more
- What Mayors Must Do To Stop Violent Crime 2022/08/29Mayors and decision makers have easy access in this blog to conclusions from 50 years of scientific evaluations of what stops violence before it happens. They can use guidelines from the UN to get what works used in their city to save lives, stop trauma, increase prosperity, and make residents feel safer. It includes one example of one city that reduced violence within 3 years by 50%. It argues that combining tough on causes with tough on crime is the political smart way to stop violent crime. read more
- Tackling the causes of crime, not sending more people to jail, is the only way to fight it